CEO – Exceed Academies Trust: Mr. Duncan Jacques
Headteacher: Ms Saima Bahadur
Horton Park Primary School, Dawnay Road,
Canterbury, Bradford, BD5 9LQ

COVID-19 catch-up premium spending: Summary

Summary Information

Total number of pupils: 435
Total Catch-up premium budget: £37,069

Overall aims of the catch-up premium strategy:

  • To raise the attainment of all pupils to close the gap created by COVID-19 school closures
  • To reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers
  • The mental health needs of pupils that have arisen as a result of the pandemic are met and supported by the school

Planned expenditure for current academic year 2021-22

Objectives / TargetsPlanned ActionsSuccess CriteriaHow will you make sure it's implemented well?Staff LeadCostReview
Quality of Education
Adapt curriculum planning to address missed objectives and consolidate the basicsExtended tuition for year 6 for basic skills (HF / AB / CM)
Explore Learning for Year 6
Staff meeting time allocated to mapping the Recovery curriculum
Curriculum objectives are highlighted and identified as not taught or taught and those essential for progress
'Missed' objectives annotated to show when these will be addressed
- Staff understand how to amend and adapt the curriculum to address lost learning
- Children work through well sequenced, purposeful learning schemes
- Clear reviewed curriculum plans are in place
- Essential / foundation concepts are taught
- Pupils have the knowledge and skills necessary to progress in their learning
- Teachers know when and how missed learning will be addressed
Curriculum plans to be reviewed by subject leaders

Monitoring Schedule - learning walks will check lessons being taught against planned recovery curriculum
Subject leaders (check coverage and delivery through planned mentoring)30 weeks x £28.44 per hour
£8532 10 hours per week

HLTA hours
3x hours per week £11.10
2 weeks = £399
Half termly
To provide CPD to teachers on high quality teaching for allWhole staff CPD for research based high quality teaching (EFF) - metacognition, working memory, long term memory / schema, low stakes assessments & remote learning- Teachers develop a broad array of teaching strategies that positively impact upon long - term learning
- Every teacher is supported and ale plan and deliver learning opportunities to achieve the best outcomes for pupils
- All staff effectively use retrieval practice to ensure that prior learning is not lost
CPD calendar updated with aims and success criteria for sessions

Content of CPD based on evidence - based practice

Delivery of CPD by staff knowledgable about and experienced in pedagogy underpinned by cognitive science

CPD format follows best practice advice and guidance such as the DfE's standards for Teachers' Professional Development
To provide CPD to teachers on high quality teaching for allCPD for Staff. Lead release time £22.80 per hour x 3 hours x 4 sessions = £273.60Whole staff CPD for research based high quality teaching (EFF) - metacognition, working memory, long term memory / schema, low stakes assessments & remote learning
All pupils rapidly recover Reading skills (including phonics), so they meet or exceed AREWhole school training in Phonics
Whole school Spelling

Group Reading teaching sequence to compliment phonics approach

Additional set of decodable phonics books to support Year 3

Whole class guided reading approach
- Validated and consistent approach to phonics teaching and learning
- Pupils to make rapid progress following the new phonic scheme
- Basic skills of spelling to become more fluent and impact the writing
- Group reading to support and enhance the learning in phonics and the progress made
- Diminishing the gap in phonics and reading from missed learning
- All children will have the opportunity to develop and embed key reading skills in a range of different contexts
Whole schools CPD
Monitoring cycles
Ongoing assessment
Whole school phonics CPD

Consultancy Support - AP to implement spelling

Group reading decodable texts

Whole class reading CPD for English Lead and KS2 CPD
AP x 2 days at £600 = £1200

Staff CPD AP = £350

Decodable texts = £4000

AP x 1.5 days = £900
Half termly
All pupils have access to regular basic Maths opportunities at homeThe purchase and implementation of online Maths learning platform 'Numbot' - EYFS and Y1- Basic skills of number bonds increase
- Confidence in Maths
- Diminish the gap in Maths missed learning
Ongoing assessments

Half termly monitoring
CPD provided for EYFS / KS1

Numbots program
CPD time = £200
Numbots = £100
Half termly
Mental Health Support
To support pupils' well-being and help them to overcome barriers to learningWeekly mentoring sessions with learning Mentors

You, Me, PHSE scheme of work purchased. All Year groups cover Physical health and wellbeing & Mental health and emotional wellbeing. Weekly lessons will be delivered.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead shares resources with staff.

HLTA to provide a range of extra - curricular activities to support heath and wellbeing
- Pupils are supported to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing
- Pupils are able to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources
- The curriculum promotes pupils' self - control, ability to self - regulate, and strategies for doing so
- Attitudes in school reduce stigma attaches to mental health and wellbeing issues
- Pupils are provided opportunities to attend a range of clubs including baking, art, yoga,
Pupil voice
Parent voice
CPOMS records
Monitoring and evaluation of lessons and learning
Wellbeing team
Learning Mentors
You, Me, PSHE = £350

HLTA time 6hrs per week at £13 per hour = 78 x 27 weeks = £2106
Half termly
Cost: £18,404.60
Objectives / targetsPlanned ActionsSuccess CriteriaHow will you make sure it's implemented well?Staff LeadCostReview
Targeted Support
Pupils identified as requiring additional small group or 1:1 support in Reading / Writing / Phonics or MathsSpecific targeted support in identified year groups:
Y2 - 1.0 Group Reading / Phonics (SG)
Y1 - 1.0 Group Reading (LN)
Y4 - 0.5 Maths Basic Skills (SA)
KS2 - 1.0 Phonics (LN)

HLTA intervention groups

Weekly Speech and Language sessions for children with identified communication and language issues
Interventions follow assessment, ensuring that support is well - targeted pupil progress is monitored
- Sessions are carefully timetabled to enable consistent delivery
- Identified pupils make rapid progress in the areas provided with additional interventions
- Targeted support for children with speech and language needs will lead to accelerated development for those children
Interventions monitored by SLT.
This is included on the monitoring overview
Curriculum Impact Data

Monitoring and evaluation of lessons and learning
Curriculum Leads

Assessment Lead

Intervention Staff

SEND Leader
Targeted support: 17 hours per week

30 weeks at £24 = £12, 240

HLTA time 9.5hrs per week at £13 per hour = 123.50 x 27 weeks = £3334.50
Half termly

Pupils identified as requiring additional small group or 1:1 support in Reading / Writing / Phonics or MathsSchool Led Tutor from an external agency to focus on the key gaps in learning- Interventions follow assessment, ensuring that support is well - targeted pupil progress is monitored
- Sessions are carefully timetabled to enable consistent delivery
- Identified pupils make rapid progress in the areas provided with additional interventions
Interventions monitored by SLT.
This is included on the monitoring overview.

Curriculum Impact Data

Monitoring and evaluation of lessons and learning
SLTSchool Led Tutor: Separate fundHalf Termly Report
Cost: £15,574.50
Objectives / TargetsPlanned ActionSuccess CriteriaHow will you make sure it's implemented well?Staff LeadCostReview
Other Approaches
Parents and careers to support and help their children with their learningParental workshops in school to focus on reading, writing, phonics and maths

Use Marvelous Me to promote key learning strategies and tasks with parents

Promote Online safety use and awareness with parents and families including targeted families

PCSO to deliver online safety session for parents
- Parental workshops in the Spring and summer terms

- Teachers and leaders use

- Marvelous me to engage children with their learning

- Parents and families more aware of the some of the dangers online

- Links to areas of support in all subject areas and online safety
SLT and Leaders to identify priority needs

Plan and deliver parental sessions based on needs identified

Monitor and evaluate
VA and team

Curriculum Leaders
Leader time:

VA workshops time:

Website time and costs:

PCSO - free
To provide all families with access to technology to support learning at homeAudit of all families access to a device
Safeguarding settings to be added to devices.
Loan school Chromebooks to disadvantaged pupils without a device.
Lack of access to technology is no longer a barrier for disadvantaged childrenSchool audit detailing access to a device.
Advice by IT team followed in terms of most appropriate devices to support home learning.
Access to tech support available through school
IT team and IT LeadChromebook top up: £5, 000
Cost: £5000
Total Spend 2021 - 22: £38,979.10
Total Allocated 2021 - 22: £37,069

Top up from School: £1,910.10