CEO – Exceed Academies Trust: Mr. Duncan Jacques
Headteacher: Ms Saima Bahadur
Horton Park Primary School, Dawnay Road,
Canterbury, Bradford, BD5 9LQ

How would I get a place at Horton Park Primary School?

Reception Admissions at Four/Five Years Old:

Children will be admitted to Reception Class at the beginning of the academic year in which they are five, that is in September, initially part time, to aid transition from home/Nursery, building up to full time normally within two weeks. However part time may continue for longer for some children depending on educational/social needs and by agreement with parents and carers..

The school has a planned admission limit, agreed with the LEA, of 60 children for Reception, Year 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

To apply for a reception class place in our school you are required to apply online using the Bradford Council website found here.

A year group is full when it reaches the agreed number of children but more children could be allowed into school by the Headteacher and Governors, and allowed by the Council, if the school’s budget allows this, if there is a specific need or if there are insufficient school places in the area.

If a parent or carer asks for a place where the year group is full, or where all the classes are full, then their child’s name will be put on a waiting list, by the Local Authority.

To change schools in the school year, please find the Primary In Year Application Form here.

Admission of Children with and EHCP or SEND Needs:

All children have the same admission process managed by the Local Education Authority.

We are happy to be part of discussions to ensure that the school is the best provision for your child.

We are an inclusive school and we work extremely hard to ensure that all children are provided with the best education that meets their individual needs.

In-Year Admissions

Our school is part of the Local Authority’s in-year co-ordination scheme for in-year admissions. Details of this scheme can be found online here In-year applications | Bradford Council or you can contact the School Admissions Team by emailing: or by telephoning 01274 432111.

Parents or carers living within the Bradford District who would like their child to move to our school should first contact their child’s current school to discuss the reasons for the transfer.

Admissions Policy