CEO – Exceed Academies Trust: Mr. Duncan Jacques
Headteacher: Ms Saima Bahadur
Horton Park Primary School, Dawnay Road,
Canterbury, Bradford, BD5 9LQ

SEND Local Offer

Please find a Printable copy of the Special Educational Needs or Disabilities Provision here.

Please find a Printable copy of the Exceed Local Offer here.

SEND Information Report

IQM Review 2024

IQM Review – 2023

‘This is the school where Everyone Learns to Succeed’

What does the council and our school offer children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)?

(This is called ‘The Local Offer or Summary of Provision’)

We work hard to ensure all pupils become the ‘best they can be’, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, (regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs).

If a child’s progress is significantly slower than others in any area, or has recently slowed or stopped, they may have special educational needs or disabilities which require additional support, sometimes for a short period, sometimes for the longer term..

We use the Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s Children’s Services for SEND three range approach, which provides increasing levels of support.  This is based on an Assess-Plan-Do-Review structure.

If a child has a ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’ and or an ‘Education, Health and Care Plan’, then we provide the support detailed in the plan.

Specialist Provision the School Offers When Required   (We are continually developing this specialist provision)

  • Individual Learning Programmes and Additional Teaching
  • Learning Mentors
  • Speech and Language Therapy at school
  • Optician Visits – Additional glasses for school only
  • School Nurse – to support family and school with child’s health and medical issues and to link with other health professionals
  • Dyslexia Friendly classrooms and support with writing
  • Nurture Groups for social and emotional support with learning

Partnership With Parents

To ensure effective communication and partnership, staff work hard to:

  • Encourage parents to make an active contribution to their child’s education
  • Value the information parents and children have, and their feelings and wishes at all stages


  • Holding regular review meetings with parents and children to discuss concerns, what to do and to set targets
  • Supporting parents to help their child at home towards these too.
  • Holding parental consultation meetings and inviting parents into class to see how their child learns.

Providing support from the SENDCo, Community Learning Manager and Inclusion mentors.

Out of School Hours Activities – Before and After School, Lunchtimes and Holiday Activities

We work hard to engage as many children as possible;

We run clubs such as:  Target Reading, Writing, Maths and Homework, Enhancing Physical Literacy, Outdoor Learning, IT skills, Sports, Arts, Music and Drama. Activities are offered to children 6-11 years, these are adapted for children with SEND to ensure they can join in fully.

SENDCO: Saima Bahadur/Helen Fawcett-Gibson

Please contact the school office on 01274 574 544 if you would like to talk to a member of our SEND team.