CEO – Exceed Academies Trust: Mr. Duncan Jacques
Headteacher: Ms Saima Bahadur
Horton Park Primary School, Dawnay Road,
Canterbury, Bradford, BD5 9LQ

Horton Park Primary – Sports Premium Funding Plan 2017-2018

School Values

  1. All in our school community are continually learning, valued and respected
  2. We broaden horizons and explore opportunities to enable positive life choices
  3. We use our resources ambitiously and responsibly

Reasons for PE/Sport

  1. Strength, mobility, endurance
  2. Healthy lifestyle including weight control (anti-obesity)
  3. Social skills and fun!

Funding Use

  1. Broaden our provision
  2. Train staff for sustainability
  3. Consolidate existing provision

The government has provided funding solely to improve the quality of sport and PE for all children.

Sporting Provision

Within the School Day:

The Daily Mile – 15 minutes exercise each day for alertness and concentration

Weekly PE sessions – Covers the National Curriculum across the year. Sports coaches supporting 3 PE aspects

Swimming for Year 3 – Weekly – Covers National Curriculum and distance swimming

Cycling training for KS2 pupils and Balance-ability for KS1/FS – Safety and Proficiency

Beyond the School Day:

Before: Breakfast Sports/Exercise Group      Lunch: Sports Activities Groups

After School: Voluntary clubs for KS1/ KS2, Inter-school competitions

Assessment of Progress in PE   Children are assessed within lessons/activities and annually in the report to parents. Data is analysed for all groups of children twice a year by the subject leader.

Use of Funding 2017 – 2018
Fund Allocated by Government (£16,000 + £10 per child – Y1-Y6): £19,600 (Total Spend: £20,450)

DateActivityAge GroupProvisionCost
17/18 DanceAll age groupsStaff to be coached and mentored in dance teaching, leading to high performance in dance.£150 per session x 5 (days) x 7 (weeks) = £5250 per annum
17/18AthleticsAll age groupsStaff to be coached and mentored in athletics teaching, leading to high performance in athletics£150 per session x 5 (days) x 7 (weeks) = £5250 per annum
17/18PE Subject Leader - Consultancy SupportAll age groupsImprove teaching and on-going staff training. Effective subject leadership / coaching. Improve planning for progression of skills£90 per session
6 x sessions = £540
17/18After School Sports Club - Alternative sportsAll age groupsTarget wider range of children, practicing new activities / sports (Identify G and T students). Increase participation rates.£50 per session
£1800 per annum
17/18Outdoor Mentoring
Learning Mentor (LM)
Underperforming UKS2 pupilImprove attitudes to learning and social skills, increasing motivation and concentration in the classroom£15 per hour x 3 hours per week = £1, 710 p.a.
17/18Cluster EventsTeams Y3 - 6School fully engaged in inter-school competitions. Increase in number of tournaments.Staff time
17/18Transport for eventsTeams Y3 - 6£200 p.a.
17/18Lunchtime Sports Activities (LM)All age groupsSkills development. Play/Sports leaders to further develop in role and to lead zones. Intra school competitions using sports / play leaders to be embedded at lunchtimes.£15 per hour x 4 weekly - £2, 280 p.a.
17/18Breakfast Club Sports (LM)KS1, KS2Skills development. Increase in physical activity leading to "school readiness" (concentration, motivation)£15 per hour x 4 weekly = £2, 280 p.a.
On-GoingAfter School Sports Clubs (LM)SK1, KS2Skill development. Further enhance Intra and inter school competitions using higher sports leaders. £15 per hour x 2 weekly = £1, 140 p.a.