CEO – Exceed Academies Trust: Mr. Duncan Jacques
Headteacher: Ms Saima Bahadur
Horton Park Primary School, Dawnay Road,
Canterbury, Bradford, BD5 9LQ

This statement details Horton Park Primary school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School Overview

School nameHorton Park Primary School
Number of pupils in school435 Inc RP (427 Rec-Y6)
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils206 (47.3%)
Academic year / years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)2021 - 2024
Date this statement was published1st September 2021
Date on which it will be reviewed31st July 2022
Statement authorised bySaima Bahadur
Pupil Premium leadLaura Naylor / Shahmyla Gulshan
Governor / Trustee leadVicky Adams

Funding Overview

Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year£276,398
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year£30,679
School Led Tutoring£23,253.75
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)£0
Total budget for this academic year
If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year

Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent


The latest Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 ranks Bradford as the 5th most income deprived district in England. Little Horton ward is one of six wards in the Bradford East area. Little Horton ward lies to the south of Bradford City Centre. It includes both industrial and residential development. As well as the area of Little Horton, it also contains the areas of West Bowling, Marshfields and Canterbury. Little Horton ward is ranked 2nd of 30 wards in the District.

At Horton Park Primary School, we all learn to succeed and follow a clear strategy of supporting all pupils regardless of background allowing them to reach their full potential.

We aim to ensure we spend our additional Pupil Premium Grant and Recovery grants to ensure that we are making a positive difference to all learners and helping to combat their many barriers to learning. We ensure that any difference in achievement and opportunity between those Pupils who are disadvantaged and other learners, is diminished.

We believe that at Horton Park we can provide a range of support for those Pupils who face specific barriers to their learning and raise their aspirations, including for those Pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium Funding. At the heart of our approach is high-quality teaching, robust diagnostic assessments, high quality resources and proven strategies and programmes to support all pupils in their learning and progress. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside the progress of their disadvantaged peers.

Our strategy incorporates wider national plans for education recovery, notably in accessing and utilising the support being offered through the National Tutoring Programme.

We want our disadvantaged pupils to:

  • Develop high levels of literacy, language and communication skills
  • Attain at least in line with their non disadvantaged peers
  • Attend school regularly
  • Access a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Develop high levels of cultural capital
  • Be supported and nurtured at home and parents to be confident in addressing their child’s needs
  • Demonstrate high levels of well-being


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge numberDetail of challenge
1.Low language levels. A large % of our pupils have language and communication delay or difficulties when they arrive in Reception.
2.PP pupils have fallen behind their peers in terms of basic skills consolidation due to Covid closures.
3.Pupils' communication, language and vocabulary skills have been adversely affected by Covid-lockdowns / Covid related absences.
4.Addressing Pupil Premium Pupils who have low attendance and / or arrive at school late persistently.
5.Safeguarding and welfare issues, sometimes with social services involvement.
6.Pupils and families experience emotional and social difficulties including mental health difficulties.
7.Socio-economic disadvantages contributing to the learning of these pupils e.g. poverty and deprivation
8.Poor health and diet e.g. high level of medical needs (dental, sight, poor health conditions etc.);
9.Lack of life experiences and lack of support / ability to support at home. Many do not have positive role models and, as a result, aspirations are low.
10.Pupils have become passive in their approaches to learning due to the impact of online learning and home issues.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcomeSuccess criteria
Disadvantaged pupils develop high levels of literacy, language and communication skills
  • Early identification of PP pupils’ language and communication show improved levels of oracy, increased confidence in communication and use of wider breadth of vocabulary
  • Reading, Phonics and writing improves with outcomes in line or above non-PP nationally
  • All classrooms have a language enriched environment and vocabulary focus in all lessons and pupils are able to confidently speak about learning
  • All pupils read daily at home / school with increased skill and fluency and develop a love for reading
Disadvantaged pupils attain at least in line with their non disadvantaged peers
  • Across school Pupils attain at least in line with their non disadvantaged peers in R, W and M
  • More able disadvantaged pupils across school make good progress in line with their targets
  • Disadvantaged pupils receive targeted interventions to accelerate progress and diminish the gap
  • Quality of intervention support is monitored, and measurable impact is clearly evidenced
  • SLT and teachers aware of attainment, progress and trajectory for pupils
Disadvantaged pupils attend school regularly
  • PP pupils’ attendance is in line or better than non-disadvantaged children nationally
  • Pupils with ongoing concerns are identified and regularly monitored with attendance action plans in place
  • Pupils and parents understand the importance of attending school everyday and ultimately enjoy coming to school
  • Persistent absence for disadvantaged pupils is lower than national
  • Individual support plans in place for identified families as required.
Disadvantaged pupils access a broad and balanced curriculum
  • The curriculum is purposeful, deep and ambitious for disadvantaged pupils
  • Through regular monitoring and moderations, it demonstrates quality first teaching and high-quality work for disadvantaged pupils
  • Pupils can talk about their learning confidently
Disadvantaged pupils develop high levels of cultural capital
  • Disadvantaged pupils acquire knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
  • Disadvantaged pupils benefit from the extra-curricular opportunities provided by the school
  • PP pupils access all school trips/residentials and visits planned for their class
  • Pupils have access to a wide range of experiences and opportunities to further develop their interests
Disadvantaged pupils are supported and nurtured at home and parents to be confident in addressing their child’s needs
  • Parents are up to date with information on how to support their child at home, including information about the school’s method of reading and how to help their child to learn to read
  • All disadvantaged pupils engage with remote learning and have appropriate laptops and this to be evidenced by pupil work
  • Pupils feel confident in how to support their pupils learning at home
  • Parents regularly attend school and contribute to the life of school, via parent forum and steering groups, parent consultations and workshops offered
  • Individual learning support plans in place for identified families as required
Disadvantaged pupils demonstrate high levels of well-being
  • All pupils consistently have positive attitudes towards their education and school
  • Pupils are more resilient when approaching cognitively challenging activities
  • Pupils can contribute actively to school life and the wider community
  • Pupils to be highly motivated and show high levels of engagement in all areas of learning

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £150,000

ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Purchase of Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme, complete teaching scheme and staff CPD packagePhonics approaches have a strong evidence base that indicates a positive impact on the accuracy of word reading (though not necessarily comprehension), particularly for disadvantaged pupils:
Phonics | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF
1, 2 and 3
CPD to continue to ensure teachers and teaching assistants have the most current and up to date skills and knowledge to deliver quality first teaching and support across the curriculum.

Continuing to ensure new and previous initiatives are effective
A key factor for attainment and progress is effective teaching, as highlighted by the Sutton Trust’s 2011 report, which revealed that the effects of high-quality teaching are especially significant for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

EEF evidence also suggests that teaching assistants have a good impact on pupils' attainment and progress if they are trained well in the interventions and support, they are delivering.

1, 2, 3, 7, 9 and 10
Vocabulary training for all staff targeted at enabling vulnerable /disadvantaged groups to access higher tiers of languageThere is clear and consistent evidence about the importance of vocabulary development. The OFSTED Inspection handbook research highlights a range of studies which suggests a vocabulary gap between children from disadvantaged families and their peers exists.

Using the EEF’s Guidance Reports (Improving Literacy in KS1, Improving Literacy in KS2 and Preparing for Literacy) we have prioritised responding to the barriers relating to vocabulary.

Education Endowment Foundation – Oral language interventions +5 /6 months.

Overall, studies of oral language interventions consistently show positive impact on learning, including on oral language skills and reading comprehension. On average, pupils who participate in oral language interventions make approximately five months' additional progress over the course of a year.
1, 3 and 7
Provide high quality 'teaching vocabulary' and spelling training for all staffEducation Endowment Foundation – Oral language interven-tions +5 /6 months

Overall, studies of oral language interventions consistently show positive impact on learning, including on oral language skills and reading comprehension. On average, pupils who participate in oral language interventions make approximately five months' additional progress over the course of a year.

  • Weekly words English
  • Weekly words Maths
  • Group reading structure in KS1
  • Clear spelling structure in KS2 (Alison Philipson)

Whole school initiative to supporting pupils with developing ideas, vocabulary and organisation of writing. EEF guidance supports clear whole school approach developing oracy and vocabulary to support writing.
1, 2, 3
CPD and training in research on best pedagogy to support learning e.g. cognitive load and science of learningContinue to develop staff’s understanding on how to structure and deliver new content to support pupils in acquiring and securing knowledge and skills. CPD provided to lead teacher development on the Science of Learning.

Evidence from Sutton’s Trust research indicates that use of proven effective pedagogy results in improved outcomes and greater progress for pupils.
1, 2, 3, 7, 9 and 10
Embedding dialogic activities across the school curriculum. These can support pupils to articulate key ideas, consolidate understanding and extend vocabularyEmbedding dialogic activities across the school curriculum. These can support pupils to articulate key ideas, consolidate understanding and extend vocabulary.

We will purchase resources and fund ongoing teacher training and release time.
1, 2, 3, 7, 9 and 10
NACE accreditation programmeEnsuring curriculum continues to meet the needs of more able learners including those from a disadvantaged background who are at risk of not reaching their full potential. Various research evidence from Suttons Trust indicates that raised teacher expectations results in higher outcomes for all pupils.
Training and deployment of Mental Health Lead, Mental Health First Aiders and Mental Health ChampionsResearch indicates that pupils have suffered from various traumas, insecurities and challenges during the COVID pandemic that will impact on their social interactions with peers, transition to school and readiness and ability to learn. Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds have been disproportionality impacted. Targeted support will be required to enable these pupils to overcome their challenges and maintain a good level of well-being.

Impacts of lockdown on the mental health of children and young people | Mental Health Foundation

Children and young people’s mental health: prevention evidence - GOV.UK (
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Recruitment of an attendance office and development of the PIW teamEEF recommendations ‘Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning’ recommends offering more sustained and intensive support where needed. Pastoral Workers will support parents in accessing appropriate services, classes and workshops and will also support in building a strong, trusting relationship between parents and school.

Pupil Premium Parental Engagement - The School Planner Co Impacts of lockdown on the mental health of children and young people | Mental Health Foundation

Children and young people’s mental health: prevention evidence - GOV.UK (
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £63,500

ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Deployment of HLTA’s, TA’s and Teachers to deliver interventions in Reading, Writing and MathsEvidence supports that 1:1 and small group interventions, particularly structured interventions have a good impact on raising attainment of pupils struggling in aspects of literacy
1, 2, 3 and 10
Small group intervention

Employ additional staffing (TA’s) to work with under achieving disadvantaged children R-Y6. This will include more able children at risk of underperforming.

Mathletics/TTRockstars Targeted Maths Support which includes our dis-advantaged pupils

Provide designated, highly qualified and skilled KS2 teacher to teach Maths and Writing daily to identified vulnerable groups (mainly PP pupils) in, Year 6

Purchase LEXIA for use with Y1 upwards both at home and at school. Deploy skilled TA for 1:1 work with PP pupils regularly.

Dedicated adult to work with small groups interventions Year 1/2

KS2 phonics intervention

Raving Readers all support staff work in classrooms from 8:30 to support pupils with reading
Education Endowment Foundation – Small group tuition– +3months
‘Use one-to-one and small-group tutoring ideally involving structured interventions. There is consistent evidence the approach supports children struggling with aspects of literacy.
Taken from the EEF summary of recommendations (Im-proving Literacy in Key Stage 1).

We know that Mathletics and TTRockstars is highly effective in developing and supporting our pupils’ fluency and maths reasoning.

Focused quality first teaching for our MA PP pupils consistently allows us to quickly and effectively identify and address gaps in learning.

Brooks’s What Works for Literacy Difficulties?
‘Three studies (Norfolk, York, Cumbria) were based on the computer-installed system. Norfolk and York showed useful to substantial gains in comprehension, Cumbria demonstrated useful gains in reading accuracy, and York and Cumbria showed useful gains in spelling. A project in Darlington using the web-based system showed a useful gain in reading.
EEF Impact Report due Autumn 2021
1, 2, 3 and 10
National Tutoring Programme - school led tutoringTuition targeted at specific needs and knowledge gaps can be an effective method to support low attaining pupils or those falling behind, both one-to-one and in small groups. Evidence indicates that tuition and intervention have the most impact if they follow and link with the work being taught in the classroom. This is why a school-led tutoring approach has been selected
1, 2, 3 and 10
Speech and Language therapy

Employ a Speech and Language support worker to target disadvantaged pupils with communication and language deficits, working with these children fortnightly in order to improve language development, communication and oracy and provide support and training to staff.
Education Endowment Foundation – Oral Language Inter-ventions - + 5/6 months
All pupils appear to benefit from oral language interventions, but some studies show slightly larger effects for younger children and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds (up to six months' additional progress).
1, 2, 3 and 7

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £121,000

ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Employing attendance officer to monitor trends in attendance and identify and intervene early to improve attendance for pupils.

Carry out home visits and offer appropriate support to families to improve attendance.

Refer families to appropriate agencies for support

Create robust procedures that are implemented consistently to monitor attendance including reward systems to encourage good attendance
DFE published research that showed a link between school absence in KS2 and lower attainment results at the end of KS4. Improving attendance for pupils will improve their academic outcomes. Use of attendance officer follows DFE guidance. /uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/509679/The-link-between-absence-and-attainment-at-KS2-and-KS4-2013-to-2014-academic-year.pdf
4, 5, 7 and 8
Purchase of IT equipment for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to access learning at homeEEF and Sutton Trust research indicates that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds did not have the same access to online learning and this increased the attainment gap.
7, 9 and 10
Resources to support home learning including materials to write and record learning, online resources and workbooksResearch indicates that parents from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds struggle to purchase and provide their children with resources to support them with their learning at home.
7, 9 and 10
Breakfast Club to provide pupils with a free breakfast in order to ensure good health and support pupils’ concentration levels.EEF research indicates improved attendance, concentration and attainment, particularly for pupils in KS1 as a result of attending a breakfast club

Breakfast clubs work their magic in disadvantaged English schools - Institute For Fiscal Studies - IFS
4, 7 and 8
Subsidising educational visits and visitors/workshops and residentials for pupils from disadvantaged backgroundsIt is widely acknowledged that children from disadvantaged backgrounds may have limited access to the cultural experiences and arts activities that children from wealthier backgrounds generally take for granted, such as family visits to theatres, museums and galleries. This is particularly true for the pupils in our school. They often lack financial support from their parents/carers for such things as extra-curricular or performance workshops. Quite simply, they may lack the ‘cultural capital’ of their peers and their only opportunities for such activities are those provided through school.9
After school clubs delivered by teaching staff: Sports, crafts etc. The Social Mobility Commission report highlights disparities in children’s participation rates across a wide range of extra-curricular activities and recommends that government increases the capacity of schools to provide extra-curricular activities and provision
Learning Mentor counselling and support for emotional health and wellbeing.
Deploy 2 Learning Mentors to support our PP children with behavioural and emotional difficulties, working with them to overcome barriers to learning.
Education Endowment Foundation
Some studies have found positive impacts for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, and for non-academic outcomes such as attitudes to school, attendance and behaviour
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Total budgeted cost: £334,500

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

Due to COVID-19, performance measures have not been published for 2020 to 2021, and 2020 to 2021 results will not be used to hold schools to account.

Monitoring and evaluation strategies evidence that the pupil premium funding has been used effectively to address gaps in attainment that have emerged due to missed learning as a result of COVID. Evidence from monitoring and evaluations demonstrate:

  • Baselines and assessments were carried out to identify strengths and areas for development in reading, writing, maths and phonics. This has supported planning and targeted intervention to be in place. As a result, disadvantaged pupils made accelerated progress
  • Although the Year 1 phonics screening was cancelled in 2020 -21, targeted pupil premium children benefitted from additional one to one phonics interventions and made progress in their ability to decode fluently.
  • Small group phonic sessions and targeted phonic interventions in Year 2 ensured 68% of cohort passed their phonic screening in Dec 2020 and disadvantaged pupils were given targeted support to accelerate progress.
  • Wave 3 Specialist teaching assistant ensured that disadvantaged pupils made accelerated progress in Reading in KS1
  • Attendance officer supported families in returning to school including vulnerable pupils and disadvantaged pupils particularly after national school closures. Regular meetings with parents were held to help improve the attendance of pupil premium children. The attendance of pupil premium was broadly in line with the rest of the school cohort.
  • CPD and deployment of mental health leads ensured pupils well-being was addressed. Monitoring and evaluation by the Learning Mentors evidenced positive engagement from pupils in all areas of learning. Vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils made good progress as a result
  • Additional staffing allocated to Y5 and Y6 targeted support and diminish the gap. As a result pupils made accelerated progress.
  • Purchase of devices used to support pupils remote learning during National Lockdown, bubble closures and isolation periods, supported pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds accessing learning and maintaining progress.
  • CPD supported all staff in continuing to provide appropriate learning challenges for all pupils. Monitoring showed that this had a positive impact on pupils’ progress, attainment and learning behaviours.
  • Resources purchased and distributed to all pupils to ensure all pupils could access remote learning. All pupils given additional books to support consolidation of learning at home.
  • Parent Involvement Worker worked alongside families supporting them in accessing services including during National Lockdowns. Welfare visits carried out to support families and encourage positive engagement with school. Parental surveys and feedback show this had a positive impact on the well-being of pupils and their families
  • Speech, Communication and Language therapist had significant impact on pupils’ language development. This aided early identification of language development delays and ensured early intervention took place
  • Breakfast club provision resulted in pupils with improved health and well being and accelerated progress.
  • Additional projects funded by the school – Recorders for Y3 pupils, Music and Arts club, HLTAs catch up boosters, PIW, Fuel for Schools, Specsavers and Bikeability.

Area for development next year:

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we were unable to deliver breakfast club, booster sessions and after school clubs. We were also unable to take children on educational visits and there were limited visitors to school to enhance the curriculum offer. This will be a focus for 2021-22

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England

Inclusive PE sessions all
Maths and English small group interventions.Timestable Rockstars
Oxford Reading Buddy
Increasing pupil wellbeing and
The Power of ReadingCLPE
KS1 Reading InterventionTutor Mate

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:

How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?n/a
What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?n/a