Our School Day
The school gates will open at 8.30am every day.
Learning will start at 8.40am and classroom doors will be closed.
If you arrive after 8.40am, please sign your child/ren in at the main office – this will result in a late mark.
The school day ends at 3.10pm. All children to be collected from the classroom doors.
Total time this amounts to in a typical week: 32 hours and 30 minutes.
Please note: Horton Park are part of the School Streets initiative. This means that part of Dawnay Road will be closed where vehicle access will be limited. The road closure times are between 8.25am – 8.50am and 3.00pm and 3.25pm for the safety of our pupils entering and exiting the school.
In order that the school’s aims are achieved, it is essential that pupils attend school regularly.
Therefore, attendance is monitored and appropriate action taken to support families experiencing difficulties.
Our aim:
Improve the overall attendance of pupils at school to a level which:
Matches or exceeds the national expectation.
Minimise the level of unauthorised absence.
Completion of Registers
Registers are marked in accordance with Bradford Local Authority. This involves the keeping of an electronic ‘SIMs’ register.
- Official time for closure of registers is 8.40am: this is when children are marked as absent on the register.
- The school day is from 8:40am – 3:10pm
Categories of Absence
For the purposes of this, absences will be referred to in one of two ways:
- Authorised absence
- Unauthorised absence
Definition of Authorised and Unauthorised Absence
A summary of reasons for authorised absence is as follows:
- Educated off site
- Excluded or fixed term suspension
- Medical with proof
- Illness with medical proof
Procedure for Parents to Inform School of Absence
Parents must inform school of their child’s absence before 8.40am on the day of absence. You can inform school in the following ways:
- Telephone call to the office 01274 574544
- Email to the office email office@hortonparkacademy.co.uk